Foil copper an teòthachd àrd
Le leasachadh leantainneach air teicneòlas an latha an-diugh, tha cleachdadh a 'chopar a' fàs nas fharsainge. Today we see copper foil not only in some traditional industries such as circuit boards, batteries, electronic appliances, but also in some more cutting-edge industries, such as new energy, integrated chips, high-end communications, aerospace and other fields.
Foil copair airson bùird-clò-bhuailte Bùird-clò-bhuailte (PCB)
Chaidh bùird-clò-bhuailte Bùird-clò-bhuailte (PCB) a chleachdadh gu farsaing ann am beatha làitheil, agus le bhith a 'meudachadh ùrachadh a h-uile àite nar àite nar àite. At the same time, as the requirements for electrical products become higher and higher, the integration of circuit boards has become more complex.
Foil copair airson luchd-iomlaid teas truinnsear
Plate heat exchanger is a new type of high-efficiency heat exchanger made of a series of metal sheets with certain corrugated shapes stacked on top of each other. Tha sianal ceart-cheàrnach tana air a chruthachadh eadar na diofar phlàtaichean, agus thèid iomlaid teas a dhèanamh tro na truinnsearan.
Foil copair airson a bhith a 'pasgadh càball àrd
Le popurization deiocration, gheibhear càbaill anns a h-uile àite nar beatha. Air sgàth cuid de thagraidhean sònraichte, feumaidh e càball le stleped a chleachdadh. Shielded cable carries less electrical charge, is less likely to generate electrical sparks, and has excellent anti-interference and anti-emission properties.
Foil copair airson cluasan tricead àrd
Is e inneal a th 'ann an cruth-atharrachaidh a tha ag atharrachadh a-steach bholtachd a rèir, gnàthaich agus busuiddanachadh. When AC current is passed in the primary coil, AC magnetic flux is generated in the core (or magnetic core), which causes voltage (or current) to be induced in the secondary coil.
Foil copair airson filmichean teasachaidh
Is e seòrsa de fhilm teasaidh dealain a th 'ann an Membran Erramal, a tha na màl teasachaidh teas a bhios a' cleachdadh dealan gus teas a ghineadh. Air sgàth a chaitheamh cumhachd ìosal agus cleachdadh a 'mhuilinn, tha e na dhath èifeachdach ann an teasachadh traidiseanta.
Foil copair airson fuses
Tha leaghadh na inneal dealain a bhriseas an cuairt le bhith a 'miannachadh an leaghadh leis a teas fhèin nuair a tha an sruth a' dol thairis air luach sònraichte. Fuse is a kind of current protector made according to the principle that when the current exceeds the specified value for a period of time, the fuse melts with its own generated heat, thus breaking the circuit.